Friday, September 21, 2018

Thoughts From The ER

It was a typical Tuesday. I was standing at my computer, just after breakfast, working on, ironically enough, on my blog, when suddenly I became dizzy. I stumbled over to the chair at the table and immediately felt my chest tighten up, like I had a heavy weight pressing on my chest, and my blood pressure shot up through the roof. I thought I was having a heart attack.

My wife brought me to the local ER where they proceeded to hook me up to a heart monitor and EKG, gave me medication to lower the blood pressure and started running tests to see what was going on.

I had a lot of time to think, as well as panic, while I was lying there, as to what comes next, wondering if I was going to live long enough to see the next day. I wanted to share with you just a little of what I was thinking while this was going on.

I wondered if I suddenly found myself in the presence of G-d what He might say to me or ask. Would He ask about my political views or my world views on politics? Would He ask about my portfolio ( or lack thereof) or if I had a 401k? Would He ask me what my favorite doctrine or religious point of view I have or even about ones that I don't care for?

I really don't think G-d will be interested in my political opinions or affiliation. I don't really believe that He is going to ask me about doctrine or my actual religious views, or about my non existent portfolio, but I do think I have a basic idea of what He would want to know ( yes He is G-d and knows all things anyhow but just bare with me) and this is what I'd like to share with you.

One of the important beliefs in Judaism is justice and charity. In fact I would guess that in all major religions that is a core belief, but in Judaism it is seen as a commandment, to do good, to love justice and mercy in fact justice and mercy were even considered more important then sacrifice.

Micah 6:7-8 “Would the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, With myriads of streams of oil? Shall I give my first born for my transgressions, The fruit of my body for my sins?
He has told you, O man, what is good, And what the Lord requires of you:Only to do justice and to love goodness and to walk humbly with your God.”

G-d is not going to hold us accountable for stupid man made rules and regulations or political parties, what He is likely to hold us accountable for is just how much good we have done in this world.

An old time Christian singer by the name of Don Francisco put it well in a song called “the steeple song”.

do you love your wife, for her and your children are you laying down your life? What about the others? Are you livin' as a servant To your sisters and your brothers? Do you make the poor man beg you for a bone? Do the widow and the orphan cry alone?

This is the kind of thing that I believe that G-d will hold us accountable for both individually but also as a nation. G-d isn't going to care about our politics, or our doctrines. He isn't going to care about about what country we come from or what people groups we associate with. None of that truly matters, what will truly matter, in the end, for all of us, is what we have done to brighten up the world a little bit, what good have we done in our small corner of the world. This is what matters. Everything else, that we seem to think is important is little more then window dressing in the grand scheme of life.

How do you want to remembered? As a person who held strong political or religious views, who had a great portfolio or would you prefer to remembered by you fellow man and by G-d as someone who was compassionate, who cared for the widow and the orphan?

G-d calls us to the latter, not the former.

The tests came back negative for a heart attack, but positive for high amounts of stress, I had let foolish things get to me instead of worrying about the things of G-d that were truly important.

Amazing the things you can think about when your all wired up in an emergency room.

Thursday, September 13, 2018


Many years ago ,when I first started this blog, I had a very different perspective on religion and life in general. I was a Christian, a youth and young adult pastor, and I took care of a youth camp in the foothills of the Ozarks. I thought that I had found my purpose in life and I was happy.

One thing about me though is that I am rarely content enough with the “status quo” to not ask questions and because I ask questions my perspective on everything changed.

Being a disabled veteran I found that I had a lot of time to study, history and religion being two of my favorite subjects, but in the course of my studying I found that I had questions, questions that those senior to me didn't like answering.

The very first one I asked was If Christianity was supposed to be based on Judaism ,or at least had it's roots there, why does the Christian world worship on Sunday, when there is clearly no biblical basis for it anywhere in the bible, and the second question was why don't Christians follow the Jewish holy days and customs as Jesus would have? The most common answers that I received were a vague reference of collecting money on “the first day of the week” according to Paul's writings or because it was the day of the resurrection of Jesus, and that the requirements of “the laws of Moses” were no longer required.

None of these answers was satisfying and, as I said before, there was no commandment from G-d or even the prophets anywhere validating this change and claims. This really started me down the path of questioning everything and giving me a much different perspective on all that I had ever been taught.

In all candor, many in the Orthodox community will tell you,as a Gentile, that the Sabbath and the Holy days are designated for them only, as a sign between them and G-d that they are His people, and I agree with that, having said that, because they are supposed to be a light to the nations ,I personally believe that all of us should be learning from them , The Jews, and following their example as best as we Gentiles can. Perspective.

Perspective. Sometimes all it takes is asking the one question that is lurking in your mind; What if?

What if the things that I believe aren't actually in the bible but instead were invented by man?

What do you do with it? I know what I did, I studied more and learned more and it changed my perspective on everything I had ever believed to be true, some of which I have shared with you over the last few months.

Today my perspective is very different. While I disagree with many of the doctrines of Christianity, I still believe that G-d is using all religions to reach out to the people of the world and show them that there is a better way to live in this world and in this life.

Am I wrong? I suppose I could be, but let me ask you a question,especially those of you who have been shocked by what I have written, what makes my belief in Judaism any better then the Native Americans beliefs or a Wiccan? What makes Christianity any better then Hinduism?

I grant you that some beliefs are a bit stranger then others “the church of the flying spaghetti monster” comes to mind ( yes, it's real, look it up) but all of it boils down to perspective based on what you have been taught and have come to believe, or not believe, about G-d.

I hope that many of you reading this post will have really studied what I have briefly written about in the past posts. I hope if nothing else I have given you food for thought and have given you a different perspective.

Until my next post. Shalom