Monday, June 17, 2013

It Is Well With My Soul

This past weekend I had a bit of a revelation. Nothing of great import to the masses but one that is important and even very surprising for me.

As some of you reading this may know my family and I moved. We went from quite literally the boonies, three and a half miles out on a dirt road, to quite literally knee deep into a residential neighborhood. This has been the first time in many years that we have lived somewhere that we are surrounded by houses and we can hear the sounds of children playing and see our neighbors as they go about their business. To say that we were very anxious about this before hand would be an understatement. To go from country living to town living has been somewhat of a culture shock but as it has turned out it has also been a good thing.

This past Saturday morning I was singing a song to myself that I hadn't heard in quite awhile, in fact I woke up hearing it and was humming it while making coffee but it wasn't until I sat down outside to listen to the birds and the wind in the trees that I realized what song it was. Once I realized what the song was I also came to realize just how appropriate the song was for me because it was describing just how I was feeling. That song was “It Is Well” Written by Horatio Spafford.

For those of you not familiar with who he was or the song, Horatio Spafford was a wealthy lawyer in Chicago during the latter part of the 19th century who lost a lot of money after the great Chicago fire of 1871 and the economic down turn of 1873. During that year as well his wife and four daughters left for Europe upon a ship that hit another ship and quickly sank. While his wife survived all four of his daughters were killed. It has been said that he wrote this song on the way to Europe to meet up with his wife and that he wrote it over the very spot that his daughters had died. Horatio Spafford wrote many songs but “It Is Well” is probably the best known of them all.

I have to say that my life hasn't been quite like that. I have never had any great wealth to loose nor have I lost four daughters. I think it's more the idea that storms come and things that we may take for granted can be quickly removed from us with no warning. I remember last winter thinking to myself just how quickly things can change and while I was thankful to God for what I had at the moment, living in the mountains and woods, it could all be taken away in an instant, and then the real moment of truth of your soul and relationship to God really comes to light. Adversity can tell you much.

So ,as I said earlier, I woke up with this song going through my head and I realized the truth to it, it is indeed well with my soul. Despite everything that we have had to deal with, despite having to leave our beloved mountains and boonies, despite some personal setbacks, all is well with my soul.

Apparently I am not alone.

I was telling my wife what was going on and she smiled at me and said that she was experiencing the same thing. She said that she hadn't realized just how much stress we had been living under, where we had been, until we came here and it was gone. What has made the difference? I don't really know. It could be that I am from this general area, though my wife never lived here, or it could simply be that we belong on the coast, or maybe we have finally arrived to a place where God wants us to be, I don't really know, I just know that we have peace and all is well in our souls.

When peace like a river, attendeth my way,When sorrows like sea billows roll;Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to sayIt is well, it is well, with my soul.
It is well, (it is well),
With my soul, (with my soul) It is well, it is well, with my soul.