Thursday, March 8, 2018

Have I mentioned Fairies?

Do you know what's in your bible? What I mean is do you know what is actually in the scriptures?

I grew up in a very religious world. I went to a Christian school where we learned all our various “proof texts” to be able to prove, to everyone else, those not in our denomination, just how “wrong” their doctrines were.

After leaving that denomination, oddly enough over doctrinal issues, I became a pastor in a different denomination and made an astounding discovery, most of the people in the congregation never read their bibles. They would talk about having to work and not enough time, and I understand those things, but if you don't read it, the scriptures, I could tell you anything and you'd never know the difference.

Let me show you what I mean.

If I told you that the bible talks about unicorns would you believe me? The gut reaction is to say no. You'd be wrong.
The original KJV of the Christian bible has at least three references to the unicorn.

Deut. 33:17
His glory is like the firstling of his bullock, and his horns are like the horns of unicorns: with them he shall push the people together to the ends of the earth: and they are the ten thousands of Ephraim, and they are the thousands of Manasseh.” See Psalms 22:21 and Isa. 34:7

These are just three verses. Today's modern translations usually translates it as “wild oxen” but originally they were unicorns.
What about giants?

You don't have to go far and there are numerous references to them.
Genesis 6:4
There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. See also Deut. 2:11, 3:11, Numbers 13:33, there are more but these are a start.

What if I told you the bible speaks of ghosts? I brought this one up in a sermon once, and a elderly gentleman in the congregation spoke up and said “you mean the holy ghost” and I surprised him because I said” yes the holy ghost is certainly mentioned many times”, but I was speaking of he spirits of the dead. Crickets....again people really need to read it to know what's there.

Leviticus 19:31, 20:6, Deuteronomy 18:11 all warn the children of Israel not to have anything to do with “wizards” who have “familiar spirits” that “chirp and moan.”

1Samuel 28 is the story of Saul facing the Philistines and because G-d isn't speaking to him he is afraid and seeks out a woman who has a “familiar spirit” (she is actually called a wizard rather then the modern versions calling her a witch) once she is found he has her call up Samuel from the dead and he appears. The woman freaks out when she realizes that it is indeed Samuel and she claimed that she saw others though she called them “gods”.

Even in the Christian NT. The disciples of Jesus thought they were seeing a ghost when they were on the water. It's there you just have to look.

The next one you have to figure it out on your own because it doesn't explicitly say this but I believe that the description of what was seen is describing a UFO.

2 Kings 2:11 speaks of Elijah being taken into heaven on a “fiery chariot” with “horses of fire” and a whirlwind. Sounds to me like someone trying to describe something that they can't explain but the best example is found in Ezekiel chapter 1.

This book and chapter was considered so controversial that it almost didn't make it into the Christian bible. Even today you can get into quite a lengthy debate on exactly what Ezekiel was trying to describe but for me it sounds remarkably like aliens and a UFO. Go read it for yourself and then you decide.

The real point of all the above is that if you don't read, you will never know the truth of what's in the scripture and you could be easily mislead.
Have I mentioned fairy's?

Peace out.

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