Thursday, June 4, 2015

A Warning of Judgement.

The other night I awoke after having a rather vivid dream. I am sharing it with you because I believe that I have been commanded by God to do so. You may believe what you wish and as always I don't claim to be any kind of prophet.

I found my self in this place that was extremely dark. There was a smoke cloud swirling slowly about 10 feet above my head and filling this area as far as I could see. I also saw what appeared to be something like a volcano, erupting with fire, going down the side of this mountain in the middle of this smoke, and I heard a voice speaking and the sound was very much like thunder. It was clearly a voice though I couldn't understand the words. Then a man in some kind of uniform came over to me with a piece of paper that clearly had my name written on the top of it and I was told that I was going to share this dream with you. I woke up very confused. I have puzzled on it for a few days, read the book of Joel which talks of smoke and of “old men having visions and dreams” but it wasn't until my wife pointed out to me that the night I had this dream was on Shavout (this is the day that the Jews celebrate the giving of the commandments at Mt. Sinai) that it made sense to me. What I was seeing was the commandments being given to the children of Israel, and the voice was that of God warning them to keep His commandments.
I believe that this dream is meant for all people of God or at least those who claim to be His people. It is a warning. We have not obeyed Him. We have disregarded His Torah as being irrelevant and have thrown God out of our society steadily for the last 50 years. Christians claim that the law was done away with and yet that never came from the mouth of God. His Torah, His commandments, are to be observed through out eternity and it's not for us to try to change them or throw them out because they are politically incorrect or because some so called religious leader tells us so.

It's not that the laws of G-d can't be followed, God Himself tells the children of Israel straight out that they can be: Deut.30 11-14 “For this commandment which I command you today is not too mysterious for you, nor is it far off. It is not in heaven, that you should say, ‘Who will ascend into heaven for us and bring it to us, that we may hear it and do it?’Nor is it beyond the sea, that you should say, ‘Who will go over the sea for us and bring it to us, that we may hear it and do it?’ But the word is very near you, in your mouth and in your heart, that you may do it.
It's more that, just like ancient Israel, we have chosen to serve other, more popular “gods” that have no real value they just make us feel good and don't require any kind of real commitment on our parts.

Do you really believe that it's nothing but a coincidence that we have some of the worst weather happening right now as our enemies are gathering strength and are posturing against us all over the world? Do you really believe it's just some sort of cosmic oops that our former allies no longer trust us?
We have claimed the blessings of God but we have ignored the word of God and His Torah and if He was willing to punish His children,His chosen, what makes you believe that He will not punish us as well?

Make of this what you will, laugh if you must but make no mistake, His judgment is coming.

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