Thursday, July 18, 2013

Things About Race I Learned From My Mother

There are a few things that I learned from my mother that I hadn't really considered until just recently and I would like to share one of them with you. It's not what she said so much as her example. She didn't hate people. It didn't seem to matter to her what a person looked like or their skin color or their nationality. She admittedly had some issues with gay marriage but she still had gay friends and family members whom she cared for deeply. The bottom line though was she never paid any attention to the outside of a person, she instead looked at the heart.

She some how managed to pass that on to me.

After the Zimmerman verdict,as many of the various talking heads were crying racism, I started writing a post on some of my own experiences as I grew up, but the further I went in writing the more I realized just how lucky I have been ,and it is thanks, in part, to my mother.

You see she never taught me to hate people or to put any kind label on them. I was a sophomore in high school before I even began to understand that there were any issues or labels to be had. I remember one man , in the town I grew up in, calling me a “spic” but it meant nothing to me because I hadn't been taught it at home it so it carried no meaning.

So, as I was writing and recalling the experiences and the friendships I have had, I came to realize just how blessed I have been and still am. Just looking at my FB page I came to realize that I have friends from just about every race that I know of. Black, White, Spanish, Asian, Native American. I have friends and family who are straight, gay, and lesbian. I have friends that are Christian, Jews, Wiccans and atheists. All points of view are represented and I have had the privilege to break bread with most of you at one time or another and even argue the points that we might not agree on.

The point is is that I was never taught prejudice and hate and so it is a foreign concept to me.

It's not a lack of experiencing it, I have, and it comes from all sides, I just simply don't understand it. Why hate an entire race of people because there are a few idiots who cause problems? Why even focus on those few when there are so many others doing good things?

Do you want to stop racism? Here are two suggestions first; Stop talking about it. Stop letting the media determine ,and I mean all forms of the media, determine what is racism in this country and what isn't because to them everything is about race. Second, and this is more important than the first, educate your children, teach them not to hate based on skin color ,religion, handicap,sexual orientation or whatever other category that you can come up with. Teach them morals and that life has value and that all persons, no matter who they are, have the same rights as you do.

If we did those two things it wouldn't take long before our country and likely the world would change.

Thanks Mom.

Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

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