Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Scifi and G-D

I am a fan of mindless Sci-Fi entertainment. I love it. The more far out there it is the better I like it. I own the movie 2012 and I was awed with CGI and all the other major effects that they produced. Even the idea of the world’s government building arks to save the elite was fascinating to me. Of course all of this kind of thing you can find all over the internet and in a lot of Hollywood movies as well and I love all of it. I even liked the movie the “The Day After Tomorrow” where it shows an almost instantaneous freezing of the northern hemisphere, while I disagree with the premise it still asks the question ; what if?
Well over the weekend we got a bit of a taste of “what if “and there is not any cool CGI to look at, it is all very painfully real.

The world is literally staggering with a massive sense of loss over the utter destruction in Japan. The earthquake was so powerful that it moved Japan 8 feet and left a rip in the crust that is 50 miles wide and 150 miles long. Some scientists are saying that the earth tilted in it’s axis by some small an amount.
They are now dealing with possible horror of radiation poisoning as well. Something else that was not reported on much was that 2 Volcanoes erupted at the same time as the earthquake hit, one in Russia and I believe the other was on one of the Japanese islands.
While that has been the center of attention, more fish have washed up in various places and no one seems to know why, that added to birds and other fish earlier in the year. I have read that the worlds Bee populations are dying out as well as Bats, what is going on? And magnetic North is moving at almost 40 miles a year as well.
The internet is filled with many dire predictions as one expert after another tries to explain what’s going on. Some say it’s because the magnetic poles are moving, others say it’s because planet X is getting closer to us and the sun. Still others have the idea that the world’s governments are engaged in a new type of weather war using top secret sophisticated equipment to cause all the massive Hurricanes, snow storms and yes even earthquakes. Some even say it’s all G-D’s fault. Most things suggested are theories. Some may be more possible then others and any and all could be possible, but the one I want to address is the idea that this is G-D’s fault. Is it really?

Someone recently asked “why is G-D doing this to us?” and I have an answer but it’s not probably what you think. I don’t think that it’s G-D doing anything to us. I believe that what is happening is exactly what we have brought upon ourselves. We have told G-D that we don’t want Him in our schools or our government. We have tried to remove Him from every aspect of our lives. Pastors and Rabbi’s have gone the politically correct route and will not speak out against the corruption in our government and in the churches them selves. We would rather be told about the love of G-D, rather then the idea that there is a judgment coming for our collective sin of getting rid of Him and turning to our “idols”. G-D is a gentleman. We have told Him that we don’t need Him any more and He has obliged us. The problem is that when you remove G-D and all the goodness and morality that come from the idea of G-D, it has to be replaced by something and usually that something is evil. Call it Satan or HaSatan, call it what you will, but evil is at its heart and destruction is in its nature.

Here is a rather poor analogy, if I decide I am going to make doughnuts and my children wish to help, one of the first things I am going to tell them is to keep away from the very hot oil, because if they touch it they will get burned badly, but if they don’t we will have some fun making them and eating them. Now I have given the warning and my child then proceeds to do things their own way and puts their hand into the oil and they get badly burned. Is that my fault? Did I cause the burn? Did I not give out a warning? Didn’t it happen just as I said it would? The point is that I gave the warning and I was ignored and it happened just as I said it would. G-D has given us warning after warning and we have pushed Him away and we ignore Him, what then, do you think is going to happen?

Look at the book of Deuteronomy chapter 28. G-D tells the people of all the blessings that they will receive, and become to the nations, if they obey Him and then it goes through a much longer list of what would happen if they disobeyed. Look at all of the prophets. Over and over it’s a call for repentance of the people and the warnings as to what was to come if they didn’t. G-D kept His word true then and His word is still true for us today.

One thing to consider, what the Israelites had in common with us now is that they collectively rejected G-D. Not all individuals did. In fact G-D said at one point, that He had 7,000 that had not bowed the knee to Bale, but as a whole everything from their leadership on down had rejected G-D and had turned to foreign gods. He told them what would happen and everyone, including the innocent, wound up suffering for it.

As a Seventh Day Adventist, growing up, I heard all the dooms day scenarios that you could imagine. We had many books and sermons based on what everyone believed would be the “end times”, and I remember we would have conversations, at least those of us that were of the rebellious type, that were something to the effect that when the end times came we would recognize them and then turn back to G-D and in the end be saved. Obviously my personal beliefs have changed a lot since those days, but scriptural events are being fulfilled even as I write, not in the way that I was taught as a kid, but none the less we are seeing the destruction of the world a bit at a time and I believe that it is no coincidence that this is happening even as we push G-D further and further away.

The bottom line is that G-D isn’t doing this to us. It is simply a result of us, collectively, pushing G-D aside and in doing so loosing His protection. Sadly, that means innocent people suffer as well.

To the western world in general, but to the USA specifically I say, that we all need to put down our stupid petty differences and realize that we need to return to G-D because our day is coming and I think it will be soon. Please note I didn’t say join my religion or someone else’s, but we all do need to return to G-D. How you do so is between you and Him. Enough of the finger pointing it’s time for prayer and a return to loving G-D and our neighbors.

To my few friends in Israel, my heart breaks for all of you and for the family of the people killed. It is both a tragedy and a travesty of justice that the whole world would ignore the murder of innocent Jews and yet have a fit over building houses on your own land. We have collectively become perverted calling (or ignoring) evil good and good evil.

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