Friday, September 17, 2010

Day of Atonement

This evening at sunset marks the beginning of Yom Kippur otherwise known as the Day of Atonement.This a day of solemn assembly, this is a day of fasting and prayer, because, as the tradition has it, this is the day that the fates of all men is to be decided by G-D for the coming year.It is also the day that the High Priest would have made atonement for the sins of the people and himself as well. Over all it is a solemn day and a time of reflection seeking out the forgiveness of G-D of of our fellow man.

I don't know who reads this blog. I don't have a number tracker on this page so people can come and go and I won't know. I don't know whether or not your Jewish, Christian or Muslim. You could be a non believer I simply have no way of knowing.

Some of you who read this I do know who you are because you comment from time to time and it is to you, primarily, this message goes.

First of all, thank you for reading this. I am not a gifted writer as is my brother and my daughter. I write most of the time because I enjoy it and it gives my mind and spirit a challenge, but I also do it as a way to try and make people think, to not just except the traditional norm simply because that is all you have ever known.

Considering some of the comments I have received ,I would say that I have done that on occasion, and while I have not purposely set out to offend I am sure that I have and to those of you who have been offended I apologize. I am not likely to change how I write, but please know that no offense has ever been intended.

I have been belittled by some and called G-dless by others. Some of you have been very gracious even when you didn't understand my point of view. To all of you I say thank you, yes even to those who were not so kind to me, including the Chinese folks who planted a virus on my computer, you are forgiven. Why would I do that? Simple I love all of you and I want the best for you over the coming year and I pray that HaShem smiles upon you with all His grace and mercy.

Joel 2:12-13
Even now," declares the LORD, "return to me with all your heart,with fasting and weeping and mourning."Rend your heart and not your garments.Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity.

Today seek out you friends your neighbors and your enemies, seek their forgiveness even if they don't give it to you you have done your part. Seek out HaShem make things right between you and Him, He will forgive.

Today pray for you friends your neighbors and enemies.Pray that they would seek out G-D. Pray for their forgiveness, intercede ,as Moses did, on their behalf.

Today, pray for our nation and our leaders that they might hear the voice of G-D and do what is right, not whats politically correct.

Today pray for Israel and her people that she might live in peace and that the Messiah might come soon to reign.

Why do this? Because as Joel writes "Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity.

The formula for this is simple; Return to G-d, but how are people going to know to do that if we don't forgive each other and show them what the love of G-D is really about? This is really the message for today. We need to forgive each other and then G-D will forgive us and that in turn makes it possible for us to show the rest of the world what the love of G-D truly is.

So today, put down your politics and your anger, set aside your differences with people and love and forgive each other just as G-D has done for you.

May you come out of this day with great rejoicing in your heart and a greater love for G-D and your neighbors.


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