Friday, March 26, 2010

What Are We Doing...

You know one of the fun things about having a blog like mine is that I can say almost anything and I will never know who reads it. I don't keep track with one of those number things that you find on a lot of pages. This is one time though that I really do wish that I had some sort of idea if anyone was reading this at all. So much craziness is going on in the world and I have lots to say but I honestly wonder if peoples prejudices and hangups are really whats keeping them from reading this post.

Why is it that we have become so hostile to each other? Christians, Jews and Muslims all have a big stake on the things that are going on in this world and yet we are bound and determined to fight with each other when we all claim to have the one answer the whole world is looking for;G-D.

Have we collectively lost our minds? Or is it worse then that; our souls? We all claim to have the same G-D and ancestors and yet we act like a bunch of spoiled children who all want the same toy and yet will do everything in their power to destroy who ever happens to have it.

What is the matter with us?

Go back and look at the prophecies. All the prophecies.
Does anything that is happening in this world right now, really surprise you? Why pray tell, are we all so angry? Look at the prophecies, the center of all the worlds anger and wrath is centered right there in the Middle east, why are we surprised and angered? G-D said these things were going to happen. He Spoke of the nations coming against Israel, it's happening. He also Spoke of her deliverance as well. It will happen. But He also spoke of a time when all will be reconciled between Abraham's children. Our nations can be as angry as they want but why are we ,as people, being angry with each other?

Some of you might say, well you live in the land of the great Satan so you deserve your fate. Do I? Because my nation has lost it's moral compass. Because our leaders are blind to G-D, that somehow makes me guilty as well? Does it matter at all to you that I pray for my nation and it's leaders as well as the rest of the nations? Do I anymore then you deserve death?

Just because the ruling authorities in Israel and amongst the PA can't agree to anything , does that mean that the average person of either group, is deserving of hatred? Or death?

Should the average peaceful Muslim, who strives for nothing more then to have a quiet life and to serve Allah be the target of our hate?

This is not meant to be a political statement. I follow the beliefs of Judaism through the Noachide laws, but I have much love and respect for Christians and Muslims as well.

This is meant to be a spiritual question. What are we doing? Why are we, the average people, amongst our various faiths, screaming and hating each other?
Simple; We are right and everyone else is wrong. That and self centered pride ,one of the oldest sins in the world.We are so busy looking at how right we are and how wrong everyone else is is that we are missing the bigger picture of what is going on. You want to know what that is? Go read Gen.11. You'll figure it out.

While the world is being set up for Gen.11 to happen all over again, we are being pitted against each other, why? Because the powers that be in this world know, that if all of us who worship G-D were to ever unite, their power would be ripped away from them. Better to have us busy with the business of killing each other then united.
But I am not going to spend to much time worrying about it. I know enough descent people to have a small amount of hope, but even more importantly, as an old friend of mine once said, I have read the back of the book...G-D wins!
May His kingdom be established soon.


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