Friday, January 8, 2010

The Ah Ha Moment

Have you ever had one of those "ah ha" moments? The kind of moment where everything suddenly fell into place and you saw something clearly for the first time? I have recently had one of those moments and while I don't expect anyone to be excited by it I am going to tell you about it anyhow.

For a long time now I have been studying the Tenach( The Old Testament) and have been trying to understand why it is that the Jewish people don't believe that the Messiah has come already. I have been as thorough as I know how and have looked at various translations, including Hebrew, and I have been on many a web page giving me the opinions of some minds that are better then mine. I have read Eusibius and some of Maimonides ( sorry if the spelling is off ) but the bottom line has been the study of the scriptures themselves and I have come to the conclusion that the reason that they don't believe that the Messiah has come, is because he hasn't.

For those of you who are left at this point I'll explain why I believe this, I won't drag it out because I have been at this for a long time, but the simple fact of the matter is that Jesus didn't fulfill the prophecies of the Messiah.

There is no peace on earth , G-D Kingdom has not been established in Israel, The Jews are still hunted and persecuted and not all the tribes have returned to Israel, though I think that day is coming soon, the laws of G-D have not been written on every one's hearts and very few ,other then the Jews themselves, keep the Holy days as has been predicted by the prophets as happening when the Messiah comes to rein.

Some might say to me well there is a second coming, please show me in the Tenach where that is written. I have searched high and low and there is nothing there.
Some might say we need the blood of Jesus to forgive sins. Go back and look at the Messianic prophecies and you will find that it is G-D Himself that does the forgiving and cleansing of His people, no where does it speak of an intermediary it only speaks of G-D doing these things. Not to mention that G-D speaks of Himself as only being One.

Some of you might say well Jesus was of the family of David and so that proves it. If you look carefully at both of the ancestors listed by Matthew and Luke you will find several glaring inconstancy's starting with the grandfather. You will also see A king who was told that there would be no more kings after him to sit on Davids throne, and you will find that while one goes back to Solomon the other goes back to Nathan and while he was Davids son, he was not in the line of Kings. Some have said well one line is going through Mary while the other is going through Joseph. The problem with that is that they both claim to be going through Joseph, and if Jesus had no earthly father then Joseph's line wouldn't have counted any how.

Here is a question for you; If the Messiah has come already, then why such hatred of the Jews? The Romans killed Jesus, and if really his purpose was for the removal of our sins, why is it that time and time again nations have tried to destroy Jews?
It's simple really, The Messiah hasn't come yet and HaSatan the enemy of our souls knows this, so he directs people to try and kill the Jews in order to stop the prophecy from happening.

I have spent much time looking over the proof texts for Jesus and what I have found is that if taken in context, something preachers are always saying to do, the text don't match. If that's not bad enough I have also found where the actual Hebrew is far different then what it has been translated to in English. Considering what I have learned of the history of the KJV and the Geneva Bible , I am not surprised.

From a historic point of view there are only a few notes on Jesus and most of those are in dispute, but here is my question; If there was a Star that was so bright that it not only led the wise men but rested over the place where he lived, where are the historical notes of that? The Greeks and the Romans worshiped the "gods" of the heavens so it would seem to me that they would have seen it and said something to someone. There is no record of a census being posed nor is there any historical accounts of Jerusalem being in an uproar over the wise men coming and looking for the Jewish King. Certainly someone would have written on that if it had happened.
One other thing , it says that Joseph and Mary brought him to the temple to be circumcised, Mary couldn't have gone near the temple for 30 days after having a son, that was Jewish law handed down by G-D Himself.

There is much more I could write on this but as I suspect that I won't hear much from anyone, I will simply ask you to check it out for yourselves and decide whats what.
As for me and my house we will serve the G-D of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, for G-D is One, and besides Him there are no others.


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