Yesterday I witnessed a miracle. There was no angels singing on high, no endlessly burning candles, but no less a miracle. My daughter celebrated Hanukkah / Christmas with us and that is nothing short of a miracle.
For those of you who don't know, my oldest daughter developed a disease called Stevens Johnson disease, which comes about as a result of a bad reaction to anti biotic.The odds of this occurring is something like in one in one billion but she happened to be the one. The results of this is basically the effect of your entire body being burned, including all mucus membranes. The mortality rate of this disease is somewhere around 70% and is extremely painful. If you survive it there is a good possibility that you will be scarred for life and you could go blind. They originally told us that we were looking at a minimum of 6 weeks in the hospital if not months and that if she developed any kind of infection that it could prove to be deadly. There was not a single thing in all of this to bring us any kind of hope.
When I saw her in the hospital I was shocked. The cold written facts of it pale in comparison to the realities. I have been to war and I have seen much in my life but nothing could prepare me for seeing my daughter in so much pain and misery. She couldn't walk. Her body was blistered everywhere. Her fine motor skills were about gone and her skin would just randomly tear and she would start bleeding. She could barely see. I honestly didn't believe that she was going to live through this.
I went home and did the only thing that I knew how to do and that was pray and then start contacting people to get her on prayer lists everywhere.
Between my wife and I, and then through our contacts ,we had people ,literally from around the world, praying for her. In Israel her name was put into the wall and she was prayed for over the airwaves. In churches ,in a variety of denominations, across the country she was prayed for and though I don't know what the actual number of people praying was it had to have numbered in the thousands if not more.
I don't want anyone to misunderstand me. The doctors and nurses did an outstanding job with her, they were some very kind and courteous people and very professional in their work. They are to be thanked long and loud for their work, but make no mistake ,the prayers of the people of G-D also played it's part. G-D gave those doctors and nurses the intelligence to do the job that they do and the wisdom to know how to treat her. But G-D also heard the prayers of thousands to heal one of His children and He did. I have one friend who reminded me of his opinion of G-D but because she is my daughter that he would send a prayer.These prayers were brought before G-D from a wide variety of people from differing denominations and belief systems. Jews, Christians, Pagans, of all varieties, all prayed to G-D in their own fashion and a miracle occurred. Say what you will but I believe that G-D honors all prayer.
Three weeks ago I wasn't sure she was going to live. Last week the miracle began.
First she decided that she was going to get up and walk and despite the pain she did and she sat in a regular chair. The next day she got up and walked and went out side for the first time in weeks, it was painful on the new skin but she was determined to get things moving. She then ate real food, and the following day they removed the feeding tube. Friday she called and told me that she was going home.
Yesterday the miracle of my daughter walked through my door and celebrated both holidays with us. She is still in some pain and she will still be awhile recovering, but the fact of the matter is that she was able to go home and then come and spend the day with us. Miracles happen.
For the skeptics out there, to whom G-D is a fairy tale, I can only say this; I didn't witness the healing as it happened, I only know that it happened. I didn't see the hand of G-D reaching down to touch my child with healing yet I have seen the results. I can't even prove to you that G-D exists , at least not in a way that you would demand the proof, yet my daughter walked through my door yesterday a walking miracle. That's all the proof I need.
To the Doctors and Nurses at both St. Josephs, in Nashua NH and Mass General in Boston my deepest thanks. To those individuals in Israel that took the time to put her name into the Wall and pray for her over the air thank you, and for all of you, no matter who you are, or what you believe, who took time to pray Thank you. Most of all to G-D, may His name be praised, I give my greatest praise and thank you.
Well said, Dad. To G-D be the glory for the things He has done!
Well said, Dad. To G-D be the glory for the great things He has done!
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