I think that this time of the year it becomes hard to write something that is truly unique and yet bears the spirit of holiday season. I have written this post three times and have wound up starting all over again because I really don't wish to sound sappy or sentimental about the holidays or the past year, or angry about our economic or political mess. I am not wanting to engage in a battle over whether it's better to say "Happy Holidays" or "Merry Christmas/ Happy Hanukkah" because honestly I don't care, if it makes you happy say it, if you wish not to then don't. Honestly does it really matter? Or could there be more important issues out there, even during this time of the year?
How about family? Seems to me that whether or not you celebrate Christmas or Hanukkah, the truly important stuff belongs with the gathering of your family and friends to share those traditions that are a part of your faith and seeing to it that this is passed on to those of the next generation. This is what is important.
How about peace? When I think of that word I hear Johnny Cash singing his version of "I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day" with my grandfathers slightly wobbly voice or I think of the New Testament text that says "Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men." Yet what I see going on around me speaks of something else completely.
Yes the war in Iraq is now officially over, but we are still in other countries. Our economy is still shot and despite the protests, nothing is changing. All the wild commercialism of the holidays is still in full tilt. Politicians are still greedy and corrupt and it would seem that those that have gained the most have turned their backs on those that need the most. The ghost of Marley would cry out even more if he could see that the very thing that he paid for with an eternity in hell still happening today. Where is this "Peace"? Where is the compassion?
How about the most amazing concept of all, love. Both Christmas and Hanukkah share this in common. Christmas is supposed to be about G-D showing His love to mankind and Hanukkah is supposed to be about G-D showing His love to the Jewish people. Both involve miracles in hard times, but at least for me, the real issue is the love of G-D. Shouldn't we be spreading that around rather then worrying about what someone calls a tree? Is it going to do anything to show our love for others by protesting about a manger scene? I don't think so.
Spend time with your family. Enjoy the traditions that your faith brings to you, have peace come from within and above all else love for that is the real meaning of the season.
Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas to all.
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