Have you watched or listened to the news today? I must confess that as of this writing I have not, today. Yet. However at some point, I will ,and being the most humble of non-prophets I will predict what it's going to generally say; Politicians are lying to us and are power hungry, another famous celebrity is caught doing something wicked, evil abounds and is prosperous, death and war continue today, unabated, as those who prosper from it grow richer....
Am I sounding a bit cynical? I don't think so, I think,rather, that I am taking some general headlines and pointing out to you a truth that we tend to miss. Evil and corruption seems to pay and apparently pays well.
I am not the first to see this, frequently you can find even the prophets of G-D asking Him why this is so;
Jeremiah 12:1-2 "Why does the way of the wicked prosper? Why are those happy who deal so treacherously? You have planted them, yes, they have taken root; They grow, yes, they bear fruit.You are near in their mouth But far from their mind."
Jeremiah even points out that these people invoke the name of G-D when it suits them to do so, but that G-D is far from their hearts. How can this be? How can G-D let such evil run rampant while good people get trampled down to dust? Why is it that evil flourishes while the good dies?
I think I may have an answer or at least a part of one.
We let it happen. Yes the blame falls squarely on us, particularly on those of us who claim to worship and serve G-D. We are the ones to blame.
We let the things that really matter such as "character" and "integrity" get hijacked by people who have a political agenda but were, themselves ,corrupt.Instead of holding them accountable as they break laws that would get us thrown in jail, we re-elect them and give them a pass. It is no wonder that they scornfully look upon us and laugh at our demands, there isn't enough of us with any moral fiber ,or will, to put an end to them.
We are addicted to entertainment. People who normally wouldn't let a bit of porn into their homes frequently watch shows and programming that are just as suggestive and trashy as anything you might find behind the counter of 7/11, but because it comes from Hollywood and is meant for entertainment and they put a rating on it (that everyone ignores) we assume that it must be OK.
We worship our sports heroes and pay big bucks to see them run and jump and hit things and then we are surprised when they take that worship of ours literally and start acting like they are "gods" and can do as they wish. Worse yet, when the dirty laundry does come out ,we watch it, salivating like a bunch of hungry dogs, just waiting for a piece of their flesh to fall off so we can chew on it.
It's too late for us to fix any of this. We have gone way to far down this road to be able to turn it around.We are where the Romans were just before their total fall. We are spread out too far, we are spending more then we have, but we don't care because we are being entertained, and the size of our enemies, both inside the country and out, is getting larger and not enough of us care.
Am I being cynical? Nope just pointing out the truth.
But there is hope.
Jews and Christians alike can agree on this. It's found in many places through out the scriptures but I just want to share with you a few verses from Psalms 37 starting in verse 7.
Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him;Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way,Because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass.Cease from anger, and forsake wrath;Do not fret—it only causes harm. For evildoers shall be cut off;But those who wait on the LORD,They shall inherit the earth.For yet a little while and the wicked shall be no more;Indeed, you will look carefully for his place, But it shall be no more.But the meek shall inherit the earth,And shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.The wicked plots against the just,And gnashes at him with his teeth.The Lord laughs at him,For He sees that his day is coming.The wicked have drawn the sword And have bent their bow,To cast down the poor and needy,To slay those who are of upright conduct.Their sword shall enter their own heart,And their bows shall be broken. (VS 7-15)
What more can be said. WE are never going to be able to change it, but G-D Himself is going to intervene. The plans of the wicked are going to fall on themselves and in the meantime G-D says,"wait patiently","rest", "do not fret" and to "cease from anger".
I am not required to understand why it is that those that are full of such evil succeed. I just need to understand that G-D has it under control and when it is time He will do what is needed to fix the problems.
I am going to still try to fight for what is right. I will vote. I have already chosen to leave most of the trash that the world calls entertainment behind. I will stand for G-D in all things and I will not worry to much about the future, because He has made it quite clear that it is in His hands.
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