You know things just aren't terribly wonderful out there in the so called real world. Because I am somewhat of a news junkie I get daily doses of the madness and ,at times ,I have spread my depressing thoughts and views to my family and to others. Recently though I have come to understand that this really isn't a good way to live life, always being so afraid of what tomorrow might bring that I forget to enjoy the day that is right in front of me. If you find yourself in that place and or category this is for you.
Have you ever read the book of Ecclesiastes? If you have not I highly recommend that you do, however for those who have not I will give you a brief summary of it. Simply put; this was written by king Solomon somewhere near the end of his life. He was a man who literally had it all. He had 1000 wives, horses, chariots,houses , gold and silver. You name it and he had it. On top of that he was ,and still is, considered to be be one of the wisest people on earth. Kings and Queens from around the world came to him for his wisdom and to see the wondrous things that he built and yet none of it brought him happiness. This is the premise of the book. He tells you that he did all these things, he had everything and didn't deny himself anything that could be found under the sun, yet he came to realise that all of that was a waste of his time and was vanity. In his words it was a "chasing after the wind". When all was said and done the same fate was, and is ,waiting for all of us and all these things that we have thought were so great and so important will disappear along with our lives. Or worse yet it would go to someone who would not take care of things the way that you might have so it becomes pointless. He also observed that when our lives were done, that it would not matter one bit what we had accomplished or built , because we couldn't take any of it with us and worse yet eventually everyone would forget who you were in the first place. Sounds down right depressing, but he had a point to make and it was a very simple point that all of us would do well to consider.
Eccl.9:7-8 Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for it is now that God favors what you do. Always be clothed in white, and always anoint your head with oil. Enjoy life with your wife, whom you love, all the days of this meaningless life that God has given you under the sun— all your meaningless days. For this is your lot in life and in your toilsome labor under the sun.Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.
G-D through Solomon makes it very clear, we are to enjoy the life that G-D has given us here, to eat and drink with happiness and to enjoy life with the wife of your youth, and what ever you find to do , do it with all your might! This is what you might call a very simple way to live.
Think about it; Can you really do anything about all the corruption and evil that fills this world? Yes, you can pray, Yes you can go out and vote, but I am talking about the overall scheme of life, can you really do anything about it? No! But just imagine if you lived your life to the fullest and, with great joy, what that might do for you and those around you.
It's awful hard to be depressed when you are around joyful, happy people. I remember my wife introducing me to a family, back when we were dating ,that just radiated happiness. They welcomed me into their home like I was a long lost son and we spent the evening in eating and song and prayer. It was wonderful. They spread their joy to everyone around then and it was infectious. Twenty years later I still remember that well. Ecclesiastes living at it's finest!
The book ends on one other note that is very important to remember even above the former verse, but combined they can make a powerful statement to all those around you.
Ecclesiastes 12:13 Now all has been heard;here is the conclusion of the matter:Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.
Fear G-D and keep His commandments. It doesn't get any simpler then that.
If you combine the two you get a way of life that is simple and very uncomplicated. For some of you this may be too simple a way to live, perhaps all the afore mentioned things just keep your heart pumping and you can't imagine what it would be like to live life so simply.
So let me ask you a question ; When is it that you find the most peace in your soul? When your full tilt boogie into what ever the cause is? Or is it during those quiet moments, when it's just you, G-D and a cup of coffee? I know for me I look forward to those times early in the day when it's just G-D and I and a whole lot of peace. Nothing complicated, no politics, no causes just G-D and myself.
Life can be challenging and there are things that tend to put serious pressure on us and our time and sanity, but consider that if Solomon was filled with such wisdom, and after all that he had accomplished he concluded that this was the best way to live, maybe we should do the same.
Just something to think about.Shalom.
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