Friday, August 10, 2018

G-d The Savior

In my last post, at the end, I suggested to you that the prophets do speak of a savior. I also suggested to you that it's not the kind of salvation, or the kind of savior, as is claimed by the Christian world.

So who then is that savior? It's G-d Himself.

Isaiah 43:3 “For I the Lord am your God, The Holy One of Israel, your Savior...”
Isaiah 44:6 “Thus said the Lord, the King of Israel,Their Redeemer, the Lord of Hosts..”
44:23-24 “...For the Lord has redeemed Jacob, Has glorified Himself through Israel. Thus said the Lord, your redeemer...”
Isaiah 52: 9-10 “Raise a shout together, O ruins of Jerusalem! For the Lord will comfort His people, will redeem Jerusalem. The Lord will bare His holy arm In the sight of all the nations, And the very ends of the earth shall see The victory of our G-d.”

These are just a few of many verses and passages that speak of G-d delivering the children of Israel and Judah, that much is plain, but what is it that they are being redeemed, or saved from? I can tell you it's not sin. G-d pleads with them to tun from their sins and return to Him but nowhere does it suggest that He forces it upon them or that any kind of bloody sacrifice is going to be needed if they do return to His way. So what is it that He is saving them from? The exile.

Isaiah 43:5-7 Fear not for I am with you: I will bring your folk from the East,Will gather you out of the West; I will say to the North give back! And to the South Do not withhold! Bring My sons from afar, And My daughters from the end of the earth- All who are linked to My name, Whom I have created, Formed and made for my glory.

Even today , with millions of Jews living in Israel there are still many more living in exile and even many more who don't even know that they are Jewish or at the very least of Hebrew descent, this is what His salvation is all about , bringing all to an awareness of who they are and to bring them back to the land of Israel.

Isaiah 49:12-13 “ Look these are coming from afar, These from the North and the West, And these from the land of Sinim. Shout O heavens, and rejoice O earth! Break into shouting, O hills! For the Lord has comforted His people, And has taken back His afflicted ones in love.”

Verses 19-22 “As for your ruins and desolate places and your land laid waste- You Shall soon be crowded with settlers,While destroyers stay far from you. The children that you thought you had lost Shall yet say in your hearing, The place is too crowded for me; Make room for me to settle, And you will say to yourself Who bore these for me when I was bereaved and barren, exiled and disdained, By whom then were these reared? I was left all alone and where have these been? Thus said the Lord G-d ; I will raise my hands to nations And lift up my ensign to peoples; and they shall bring your sons in their bosoms, And carry your daughters on their backs.”

Over and over again and again, the theme is the same, not just in Isaiah but throughout the prophets. The people have rebelled against G-d and, as forewarned they are punished for their rebellion,but in “the latter days” G-d Himself redeems them from the four corners of the earth and brings them back home and back into an eternal covenant with Him.

You see how simple all this is when you see it in context?

Still, I am sure, there are some of you who doubt this finding, that's fine because I want you to do your own search anyhow. The biggest mistake I have ever seen is the people in the churches and I would dare say even the synagogues just blindly following what they have been taught because it's tradition.

Now for those of you who don't believe any of what I have shared I do have a question for you; If Jesus was the messiah and his job was to take away the sins of the world and to end the sacrificial system, why is that same system going to be put back in place?


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