Thursday, July 19, 2018

The Servant Song

Today I am going to enter into the section of Isaiah that has been called by some “The servant song.” It is a section where two, very clear messages are relayed. The first is that Israel is the suffering servant mentioned in Isa. 53, and that G-d Himself makes very clear that He alone is G-d and there are no others.

I will start with the “suffering servant” first because so many Christians believe that this is talking about Jesus when in fact, read in context with verses and chapters that come before, it becomes quite clear that it is speaking of Israel.

Most people in the Christian world are only ever taught about chapter 53. They are told that it bears similarities of the things that allegedly happened to Jesus and that this is absolute proof that he is the messiah. Nope.

Let us go to Isaiah 41 which actually starts the “servant song” portion. Verses 8-9.

“But you Israel, My servant, Jacob, whom I have chosen, Seed of Abraham My friend- You whom I drew from the ends of the earth And called from it's far corners, To whom I said: You are my servant; I chose you I have not rejected you.”

First thing I have to say is that it's quite obvious who the servant is because G-d says it quite plainly, throughout this section. There is nothing hidden, G-d speaks quite plainly. He calls His servant, Jacob, Abraham, Israel and Jeshurun, which I understand to be a nick name of sorts for Jerusalem,but no where does it say that this servant is His son or anything about being the messiah as most Christians have been taught to understand it. In fact go to chapter 42 verse 1.

This is my servant , whom I uphold,My chosen one in whom I delight. I have put My spirit upon him, He shall teach the true way to the nations.

Remember that in the original Hebrew there were no brakes in chapters and verses so this is a continuation of the servant theme. Who is this servant? Israel. So what is it that this servant does? He teaches the “true way to the nations.” What is that true way? The ways of the people of Israel, in other words the laws and instructions of G-d handed to them at Mt. Sinai. See also verse 4.

Other verses:

Isaiah 43:10 My witnesses are you declares the Lord, My servant,whom I have chosen....
Isaiah 44:1-2 But hear , now, O Jacob My servant, Israel whom I have chosen...Fear not My servant Jacob, Jeshurun whom I have chosen,
Isaiah 44:21 Remember theses things, O Jacob For you O Israel, are My servant...
Isaiah 45: 4 For the sake of My servant Jacob, Israel My chosen one...
Isaiah 49: 3 And He said to me, You are My servant, Israel in whom I glory...

Do you see it? The message is quite clear. G-d is saying again and again that Israel is His servant. Now take the next logical step in thought.

What nation, what people, have suffered as much over the last 2000 years as the Jewish people? They have been hunted, tortured and killed. They have lost their homes, their families, and their nation, though they now have a small portion of the original back. They have been slaughtered whole sale by nations that no longer exist and yet some how they are still here despite all attempts to destroy them. Logically it makes no sense unless you look at it from the servant song perspective.

What I find really interesting is the response of the nations when Israel and the Jewish people are finally, openly, redeemed and blessed by G-d once again.

Look at chapter 52:13-15.

These verses lead directly into chapter 53.Verse 13 again speaks of His servant but it's verse 15 that clues you in to what is happening in chapter 53,

Verse 15 “ Just so he shall startle many nations. Kings shall be silenced because of him, for they shall see what has not been told them, Shall behold what they never have heard.”

This leads you to the opening of 53 which is the kings and nations speaking.

Who can believe what we have heard? Upon who has the arm of the Lord been revealed?

As you continue on into the chapter, it's the nations speaking of Israel, in total disbelief and shock.

There are other points to be made in chapter 53 but that will be for another day.

Just understand for now, that the “suffering servant” is not a man or demi god, it is the Jewish people, Israel.


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