Friday, September 25, 2015

The Pope

Why is everyone going gaga over the pope? Have nothing against him personally, I don't know the man, but I do know the church that he represents and it's history. Seems that we,as a nation, have forgotten.

Four hundred years ago the Puritans escaped Europe, that was essentially controlled by the Roman Catholic church, to come to “the new world” They wanted the freedom to worship God as they chose, not as dictated to them by Rome or the king, who was little more than a puppet of Rome.
They went through hell trying to establish a toehold in this land and while they were not perfect, they had issues of religious freedom themselves as well as issues with the natives, but it was worth it to them because they wanted to escape from the persecution of the Roman Catholic Church. Prior to that time the Catholic church had spent hundreds of years persecuting and killing those who disagreed with them,especially among the Jews, but many others were tortured and burned at the stake for no other reason than they disagreed with the church or they had a scientific point of view that flew in the face of the churches dogma. Someone once said that if it hadn't been for that kind of oppression we could have landed on the moon 500 years earlier then we did.

Back in the colonial days of America most people were against anything that even looked like “Popery”They didn't celebrate Christmas or Easter or any other day that looked even remotely catholic. The reason the Irish were treated so badly when they first came to the US was because they were not only Irish but they were practicing Catholics.

Most of the protestant churches used to believe that the Roman Catholic Church was the “beast” spoken of in the book of Revelations and Daniel, yet now the Pope is considered to be the head, at least according to the media, of the worlds 2.1 billion Christians, how did that happen? How can it be that a nation that was essentially founded on religious freedom, fleeing from the church ,has now come to embrace it? Has the the Pope or the Catholic Church apologized for the murder of hundreds of thousands, if not more, over the years? Have they apologized or made amends for the countless civilizations that they destroyed because the people were heathens to them? Have they made any kind of restitution or reform that would convince you that they have changed?

The church says that the Pope is infallible and that he represents God on earth. Really? I don't think so. He is no more than a mere mortal man , just like the rest of us. We don't need him or anyone else to advocate for us before God ,that's what Christians used to believe,and that's what both Jews and Muslims still believe. I know that the Roman Church has put a new friendly face on their church but the bottom line is that they crave power and world domination as they once had and they will use any means to do it.

You don't have to believe me, go read the history, go see how they adopted customs (think Christmas) that was originally pagan in origin, read how that changed a few things about those holidays and created a new religion out of. Look how they adopted various idols and changed the Sabbath,even though the bible speaks against it, and then read how they treated everyone who has disagreed with them.

Even now,as he visits the US he is using the pulpit to press forward popular opinion and political views all the while speaking of religious freedom. He knows that if he can get the praises of the people,especially those here in the US, then he will be well on his way to the real agenda of the church and that's religious and political domination. They have done it before , they will do it again, if we allow it.

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