Monday, April 2, 2012
How would Jesus Vote?
So here is a question for you that may sound surprising coming from me; what would Jesus do? Better yet, how would Jesus vote? I ask this question in all sincerity to my Christian brothers and sisters out there who are not only religiously minded but have an ear towards politics.
I am also asking this question based on a trend that I have noticed from a lot of those leaders that belong to the Evangelical world from both sides of the aisle. This trend tending to be that because they are well known and popular amongst their congregations and audiences across the nation that this somehow allows for them to be the voice of G-D on many issues, including politics, and their belief that G-D seems to believe the same way that they do.
Before I go on, so there is no confusion, I don't believe that Jesus was a god of any kind , a rabbi certainly, but not G-D. But I present these questions and comments because many of you do and I respect your beliefs even when I disagree.
So would Jesus be a socialist or into social justice? Would he be a conservative wearing a suit and tie? What Issues would be important to him? Does anyone really know or does it really matter? I think it does matter, to a certain degree, because most of the time your opinions seems to be based on who you listen to.
If you follow those on the right, the reason that we are in such trouble in this country is due to everything from secularization to the ACLU and all points in between. Obama is the anti Christ, gays and lesbians are dangerous to families. Every form of evil comes from those who dare to disagree with the idea that everything in the bible is entirely accurate or you question their interpretation of the scripture.
If you follow those on the left, you are condemned for taking the bible literally, and the only way that you could possibly be following Jesus is if we have so called social justice and spread the wealth. The real evil is those who actually cling to their god, their guns and the bible. Oh yes , the GOP is the devil incarnate.
So we have some very differing, opposing views of G-D, wrapped in politics, and all believe that they are right.
So lets look at the subject at hand it could simplify this a whole lot. If Jesus was walking the earth today, what would his politics be? First we know that he was a casual dresser, didn't own any form of transportation and essentially had no place to live. He walked everywhere, hung out with those that were the dregs of society, made followers of fishermen and prostitutes. We have been told He healed many people, and he fed thousands with almost nothing and let us not forget the things that he preached as recorded by others years later. He never spoke of homosexuality, for or against, rather he told his followers to love G-D first and foremost and to love each other, that was what the kingdom was really all about. It almost sounds like he was a liberal democrat who was extremely into love of people and of G-D.
The problem with that though is that he never forced anyone to take his help, we hear many stories of those that were healed but I have to wonder how many more said no. How about the story of the rich young ruler? He only told the young man what he should do, not that he had to do it. He paid his taxes even while speaking against the Romans and he wasn't afraid to make his opinions heard when he went into the temple to overturn the money tables with a whip. He also said that he had come to bring a sword and not peace. He didn't spend his time condemning the average person, rather he would tell them to go and sin no more, at the same time getting on the leadership of his nation for their pompous arrogance. Sounds like a conservative to me.
So what does all this make him? A liberal? Conservative? A Democrat? A Republican? Who's opinion should you listen to and adhere to? I have an answer for you.
How about none of the above.
I am tired of people,especially religious leaders, assuming that some how they know what the mind and the will of G-D is when the Scriptures make it very clear that none of us can even begin to comprehend the mind of G-D. All your so called education is but a drop in the bucket of the things of G-D and to assume that you know better then the rest of us is nothing more then arrogance on your part.
If you have an opinion, fine. It's your opinion and you are allowed, but don't claim to speak for G-d in the course of making that opinion public. Some of the most hateful and dangerous speeches and proclamations ever made throughout history have all come boxed up in the name of G-D, and millions have died as a result.
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1 comment:
Right on the money.
I've always liked the bumper-sticker that reads "Jesus is coming and boy is he pissed". If Jesus returned today, I think he'd take great exception to way his teachings have been perverted by those claiming to know his thoughts.
Of course, by making a statement like that...I'm presuming to know his thoughts....slippery slope I'm playing on.
Anyway, the louder some public figure proclaims their adherence to "God's Way", the more I start asking what the heck they are doing that they don't want me to know about.
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