Friday, March 9, 2012

Clean Insults

After a week or so of listening to the whole media storm over the Rush Limbaugh comments and the lack of coverage of the rest of the media ,who's vulgarity is much worse, I thought instead of attempting to wax eloquent as to their vile conduct, I thought, (I know me thinking is a scary concept) rather, that I would attempt to help them understand that the English language is by far more colorful then the rather crude sexual metaphors that they have been using. In this attempt I hope that some of the American public might take notice that it is possible to speak without being crude, and let the hot air bags of self righteous un-evolved monkeys know that enough is enough.

Here goes nothing.

You sir are a bumbling idiot. This phrase, while short, certainly gets right to the heart of the matter but also leaves some room for improvement on the part of the one being insulted.

For the sports aficionado I present " You (sir or madam) are as screwed up as a football bat. If this comment makes no sense to you then perhaps it was meant for you.

For my southern friends, Bless your heart, if you was any dumber your brain would be on the side of a milk carton, again if you don't get it , it probably applies, just sayin...

This one would work in political circles, though it could be applied all most any where; You are a loud mouthed, toothless buffoon who has about as much sense as a dog chasing a cat in traffic.

You have the serious taste of the Dung Beetle, Your body odor would be offensive to Skunks, You are dumber then a rock..and that's an insult to the rock.....

So whats my point? I just took a few minutes and off the top of my head found ways to insult people with out being crude or vulgar about it. If with my minimal education, and some would suggest, minimal intellect , can come up with a few insults without the help of a writer or a teleprompter, how can it be that these people who get paid millions to speak in public every day can't do it?

I have been known from time to time, to get ugly with people and call some one an idgit or a fool, particularly when angry, but I would like to think in this so called progressive , enlightened, world that we could just leave the crude insults behind and rather discusses the issues in a loud but much less disgusting way.

Someone once said to me that words don't really mean anything unless you give them permission to mean something. I would have to disagree. We know what these crude words mean, and we know that when used as an insult that they are meant to hurt and destroy a person, if you don't think that is true, then just imagine it being your daughter who is being insulted in such a crude manner and then come back and tell me it doesn't really matter.

The bottom line is that I think the Bible has some pretty good ideas of how to handle our words and if we followed it we might find that we can debate with out being crude and sound a lot more intelligent doing it.

Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Prov. 16:24

Do not be rash with your mouth,And let not your heart utter anything hastily before God.For God is in heaven, and you on earth;Therefore let your words be few. For a dream comes through much activity, And a fool’s voice is known by his many words. Eccl. 5:2-3

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