The man said " the woman that you ( G-D ) gave me" the woman said " the serpent told me...." the serpent said I was possessed...... " actually the snake said nothing but you get the point. Gen.3 Uncle Iggies version....
The argument usually goes something like this, "it wasn't my fault" it was my husband,wife, children or neighbors fault, the devil made me do it or , at least in one case , it was the snakes fault so why should I have to pay the price for my mistake, forgetting of course that you had to make a conscious decision to do something in the first place. It's never our faults for anything, it's society or our up bringing or our neighborhood or government. Sometimes ,admittedly, that's not far from the truth, however not everything can be blamed for our mistakes, at some point you have to take a hard look in the mirror and understand that you play a large role in this as well.
Of course passing the blame to others can become real easy to do when your world starts to collapse around you and things that you thought were fairly secure come apart at the seams. It becomes real easy to point the finger at anyone or anything other then yourself for the problems and the mistakes in our lives, much easier to have a talk show mentality and blame every thing on your mothers uncles second cousins brother in laws pet fish rather then taking the responsibility, after all this is generally what we in our great society teach.
Society says that it's not our fault for....pick your thing, instead it's the fault of our parents, our schools, our religion or even the a fore mentioned fish, but never is the blame affixed where it truly belongs; on ourselves. A Fine example; if I choose to smoke is it the tobaccos companies fault? Certainly they have done lots of advertising to get my attention but when it boils right down to it, I am the one who is responsible for putting the cigarette in my mouth and smoking it. They may have provided the material but I did the action. If I choose to live a promiscuous life style and sleep around who bears the responsibility of an unwanted STD or pregnancy? Is it society? Or should we again blame it on the parenting or the proverbial fish? Or is it my fault?
Our mainstream religions are at fault for this as well. We are taught the idea of "original sin" through Adam and Eve, and tell us that we can't help but be sinful because we are born with that tendency, leaving out the idea of freewill. So what that boils down to is that we are little more then robots with no real choices in life other then to do evil continuously. I reject that notion. While the Bible certainly speaks of the sin of Adam and Eve and all that has happened since then, it has never suggested that they are the ones responsible for our sinful and or foolish acts. In fact the Bible makes it quite clear that we don't die for someone else sins, we die for our own. Adam and Eve aren't the problem and neither are your parents or your neighborhood,or that fish, you are. And you are the one who has to decide how your going to handle things. You can continue to blame others for your life problems or you can suck it up, take responsibility for yourself and then do something about it.
Let me give you an example and I will use myself. I bought a van that has lead to us leaving Arkansas. Some things were good about that and other things were bad. Technically speaking I could put the blame elsewhere and some would argue that I would be justified in that, however even while blindly going into this thing, I made a choice and that choice had consequences, unseen and unknown at the time,but still there were consequences and the responsibility is mine to deal with, not someone else. It's not my mothers fault, nor the neighborhoods fault because it couldn't see what was coming and it's not the fishes fault either. The choice was made by me so therefore the responsibility of my actions also reside with me.
None of this is new, just look at Genesis and the proverbial fall of man, and you can see that everyone is passing the buck as to who is to blame, when the truth is is that they are both to blame for their own mistakes.
The point of this is that we need to get beyond this and start taking the responsibility for our own actions and teach our children the same. We need to stop blaming others for our problems based on nothing more then their religion, color or sexual orientation.We need to put an end to this blame others for everything mentality that has invaded our society and get back to personal responsibility. We should be responsible for ourselves and we should only ever have to hold ourselves accountable to G-D, because in a society where we accept our own responsibility for our mistakes , that is all that will be needed.
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