In one of my first attempts at writing , I talked about perspectives, how different people in similar situations can view things in very different ways. The more that I write and the more that I study, the more true this has become for me.
I am neither Christian nor Jew. I have been in both the Christian world and the Messianic Jewish world. I have been an Ordained minster. I now follow a form of Judaism that is known, at least in the Jewish world, as being a Noachide. I have been an Agnostic and I have studied the teachings of some of the Pagan religions. So as you can imagine I have a somewhat different perspective of life and religion then many people do. But when is all said and done, my loyalty lies with G-D and his love for us and His commandments. I love the Jewish people and I have a great respect for Christians and really all people who would help their fellowman.
I give this short back ground to you so that you will understand the rest of the message and take to heart that I hold no bias or hatred for anyone, though at times, while writing, from my own perspective, it may seem that way.
I think what has happened is that the message has been lost. Not just my message, but all of ours.
We ,as religious people, have been caught up into the very dangerous and destructive world of politics. Back in the day, you didn't mix religion and politics and you certainly didn't hear it from the pulpit, but times have apparently changed.
Have you ever wondered why it is that the world hates Jews and Christians so much? More so the Jews, but now more and more Christians are being hammered as well, have you ever asked the question as to why?
I have a thought for you. It's probably going to differ with what you believe but I'm going to run it by you anyway. It's our hypocrisy and our hatred. Does that shock you? Does that make you angry? Or do you think I'm wrong?
One of the things that both the Jews and Christians share is that G-D is a G-D of compassion and mercy and yet as a general whole we don't tend to show it. We have committees and boards that will spend time and money to protest Gay marriage and Abortion but balk at the idea of supporting some outreach program that might actually help someone. I saw it happen. I almost broke out in tears one day, when the first questions that was asked, ( we were considering a program to help out some poor families in the area) was "how much is this going to cost". Nothing came of it and since that time that church has had a lot of trouble. The human cost is high.
My experience since leaving various Christian denominations and Christianity as a whole has been somewhat condemning and if not outright hostile. I have been told that I am G-D - less because I don't follow Christianities version of G-D and we have been left quite literally alone. Is ostracizing people a part of the Christian religion? On the flip side of that I have been blasted by some certain Jewish people for asking too many questions or appearing to consider myself smarter then the sages of old.I don't consider myself smarter, they were just questions. Where is the compassion in this, where is the Love of G-D?
When HIV and Aids became front page news back in the 70's the religious world had a chance to reach out in compassion to these people. Instead all that we heard was that Aids was G-D's punishment on the Gay community and people quoting scripture. We ostracized people instead of showing compassion. Now, 30 years later, I know people who will never darken the doorways of a church or Synagogue except for a funeral or wedding, all because the "religious" didn't show any of the compassion that they were supposed to have had in their hearts. You want to quote scripture? Go ahead, but you will get no where, most of the Gay people I have known, know those scriptures by heart. You are only re-enforcing their idea that you hate them and their is no compassion to be found.
We are quick to condemn and slow to compassion. That is just the opposite of what scripture teaches.
There are many examples that could be used here. There are many fingers that I could point with but then I'd have to point some at my self because I have done the same. I am not in a position to judge people nor did G-D put me here to do so. I also know that this is not true of everyone or all groups but the sad truth is that the world sees us as having no compassion because our main focus seems to be on politics rather then mercy. If all anyone ever knows about religion is that there is crazy guy on TV telling him or her that they are going to go to hell for anything and everything under the sun and they are shown no real mercy or compassion, who do you think is going to be held responsible for that?
Do you really think that G-D is going to be interested in how big your church was if you ignore the homeless, the widow, those that are sick with Aids? Do you honestly think that having a large congregation is a substitute for helping out a drunk or a prostitute or someone who is just down on their luck?
G-D makes two commands very clear, and from these the rest follow. Love G-D with all you are and with all you have and love your neighbors as you would wish to be loved.
I'll end with a more positive note. There was a group that I saw , not to long ago, that consisted of about 70 people ,from various denominations, bringing food and clothing and blankets to various street people. They set up tables and did everything from serving them a hot meal to cutting their hair and washing their feet.
The only complaint that I heard was from one of the ladies who was washing the feet of someone when she said that she wished that they didn't have to wear gloves to do this. She didn't care if the person was dirty and homeless, she knew what human touch and real compassion was all about. Just as a side note they were not there trying to convert people either, they were there to SHOW them the Love of G-D.
That, my friends, is the message that has been lost, compassion, mercy, love.
Pray that we find it soon.
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