Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Are You Searching?

In my last post I said to you to not cry for us, and that still holds true, but I want you to consider some of what I am going to share with you and then let you decide what you should do from there.

Earlier today I was on the web sight called Arutz Sheva which is a part of Israel National Radio and I was listening to a clip from "Tuesday Night Live " where they were talking about the lost tribes of Israel and how they have found some in the remotest areas you could think of, who claimed to be children of Israel, and they followed the practices of the Jews though they have had no contact with them since time out of mind. It is a fascinating story and one that has personal meaning to me as well, I'll get to that in in a minute, but first let me ask you a question. Are you satisfied in your soul? Or are you still searching for that elusive peace? Some of you who are Christians and are reading this know exactly what I am asking about. You are going through the motions but you know that something is missing. Some of you have bounced from church to church and others of you have switched denominations but still you feel empty ,like nothing is quite clicking. Some have left the traditional churches and have started their own home churches or have joined with others in the Messianic congregations , but even with that, even with experiencing a few moments of joy there is still a longing in your heart for something different , something better. If your reading this blog these things are either true in your life or they are about to be.

How would I know? I am describing my own path that has brought me to the place where I am right now and I know for a fact that I am not alone in this.

What if I told you that this is Biblical, that this was prophesied by the prophets of old concerning the latter days of this world? Would you believe me?

Isaiah,Jeremiah,Ezekiel and all the rest foretold of a day that G-D would gather all His people from the four corners of the earth and bring them back to Israel where He will set up His kingdom.They were not just talking about the Jews, the tribe of Judah, but of all the tribes of Israel, and I might add righteous Gentiles as well. They also wrote that at that time the peoples who didn't even know that they were of Israel would return and that they would all be united never to be a part again.

If you want the texts email me and I will get them to you, there are just to many to put on a blog.

But the other thing that is made clear as well is that the people would turn from their false god's and turn to the Jewish people to learn of G-D as well, and that eventually the nations of the world would come to the worship of G-D through His people Israel.

I submit to you that if you are finding your self dissatisfied with what you are believing and you fit any of the descriptions above that there may be a good reason for it; G-D is calling you out of the churches to seek out His truth which is to be found in the Torah. He is likely calling you right now because you actually belong to one of His lost tribes or , at the very least you are a righteous Gentile.

The Jews believe that every soul that is Jewish or of the tribes of Israel, past present or future, were all there at Sinai when G-D made His covenant with His people.
They believe that many a person who is in the process of searching and who are turning to Judaism are those who have that soul.

How about it, do you think you fit in this category? If you are searching at all , I would humbly submit that you may want to consider what I have written. We have found that which we have been looking for in the Torah and the Tenach. We have found that all elusive peace in our hearts now that we understand what it is that HaShem is doing.We now understand what we have been searching for. We do not claim to have all the answers because we are still learning, but we do know who does have the answers and where to look.Again as I always say, don't believe me, search for yourself, but search honestly looking for the truth. If you go into it with you already preconceived ideas then you will just wind up back where you started.

Now some of you might be thinking that I believe that way I do because I was taught by a Rabbi to believe this way. As shocking as this may seem to you, the only contact that I have had with a Jewish Rabbi has come from reading articles that have been written by them. They do not go out seeking for converts. All that I have discovered and all that I have learned that has brought me to this place has come from G-d through His scriptures. Yes I have read other sources as well, both Christian and Jewish alike, but the bottom line question for me was what does the scriptures say and it says to me the very things that I have been sharing with you lately.

Again search for yourselves know the truth and more importantly come back to the G-D of Israel know Him and have peace in your searching soul.


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