Friday, August 14, 2015

Open Your Hand To The Poor

It has been said that this country was founded on Judeao/Christian principals. I tend to agree, though I don't think that all of the men involved were necessarily religious, as we think of religious, yet they knew that the best laws to be found were found in the Hebrew scriptures and ,as a result, many of our original laws and rights, as found in the constitution,were based on those laws. Yet somewhere along the way, especially in the last 50 years or so, we have lost our way and have forgotten those laws. In particular the laws of G-d that pertain to how we treat each other.

I realize that for many of you, when you think of the laws of G-D, think of the 10 big ones, known as the 10 commandments, not realizing perhaps that there are another 603 laws that follow. Many of those laws, in all fairness, have to do with the sacrifices and the duties of the priests in the temple or are to be only done in the land of Israel, but there are a whole set of laws that deal with domestic issues such as slavery, idol worship and how to treat the poor , orphans and widows.

As an example, farmers were told to leave the edges of their fields for the poor “When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not wholly reap the corners of your field, nor shall you gather the gleanings of your harvest. And you shall not glean your vineyard, nor shall you gather every grape of your vineyard; you shall leave them for the poor and the stranger: I am the Lord your God. Lev.19:9. Elsewhere( in Exodus 23 )he tells them to leave the fields to rest during the 7th year sabbatical year and to let the poor harvest whats there. The point of it was that the needy were to be taken care of by those that were better off. It did come with a blessing as well that if they did this they would prosper even more.

This is especially emphasized in Deut.15 when Israel is receiving the laws concerning debts. G-d is essentially telling them to not be stingy with their resources. Even if the 7th year ( when all debts were forgiven ) was almost upon them, that they should still freely give to those in need. Verse 10 “Give to him readily and have no regrets when you do so, for in return the Lord your God will bless you in all your efforts and in all your undertakings.

They were not to hold back or even question the timing, just simply give and again there would be a blessing.

These laws were not just given to individuals but to the nation of Israel as a whole. See Deut 4.

They collectively heard these words that G-d gave to Moses and the collectively agreed to follow them. To this day, if you visit Israel you will find that they take care of all their people and services aren't based on ability to pay.

So what has happened here in the United States? We are supposed to be a nation that was based on these very same laws as the ancient Hebrews yet we tend to treat the poor with scorn rather then compassion, we worship at the altar of the wealthy while mocking and shaming the old and the poor, condemning them for being so.

We could feed the world and bring it healing but instead we worship profit even when it destroys people. We could easily fee the poorest of nations in the world but there is no money to be made so we don't.

Do you know why G-d actually destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and ancient Israel? It wasn't their sexual practices, as some try to suggest, it was their refusal to worship G-d and their lack of hospitality and caring for the poor. See Isa 3:8-9, Jeremiah 23:13-14 and especially Ezekiel 16:49-50.
Does any of this sound familiar?

We claim to be a nation that follows the book, yet our actions,(collectively not necessarily individually) would seem to suggest otherwise.

I have read and have seen clips showings cities and communities destroying tents that housed otherwise homeless people because it didn't look good or wasn't in some approved place, you know out of sight and mind, or read of church groups no longer being allowed to feed the homeless because suddenly they needed expensive paperwork to get approval to do the very things that G-d has commanded them to.. Time and again cities seem to be going out of their way to suppress the homeless rather then help them, so that they might attract more tourists. Time and again politicians seem to be bent on ripping the carpet out from under the neediest in our society while they are living high on the hog and giving massive breaks to big corporations. This is wrong and goes against the very laws of G-d that we are claiming to be based upon

Our sins are no different than those of ancient Israel or Sodom. We have tossed G-d under the bus as well as Israel. We have turned a blind eye to the poor and needy, not just here but around the world, and have, collectively, turned to worshiping at the altar of money, greed and power.

We need to get back to the real biblical principals. Love G-d with all your heart, keep His commands and take care of the poor and needy. If we do these things, just as Israel, we will be blessed again.

Deut. 15:11 “For there will never cease to be needy ones in your land, which is why I command you: open you hand to the poor and needy kinsman in your land.”