Saturday, July 14, 2012

Confessions of Nehemiah

What would happen if all of us who believe and fear G-D were to come together every day for prayer and confession before G-D? I’m not talking just confessions of our own sins before G-D, but the sins of our ancestors as well? What do you think would happen? What if we took it even further than that and not only confessed their sins, but took them upon ourselves, as if we had participated in those sins of our ancestors and confessed them as if we were the ones guilty of those sins? What would happen?
The book of Nehemiah gives us an idea.
Nehemiah was one of the exiles of Israel living in Babylon, there is not much said about him personally except that he was the kings’ cupbearer, but in the beginning of the book you get an idea of the kind of man that he is. He hears a report of a badly destroyed Jerusalem and is upset to the point of mourning, fasting and prayer before G-D. Starting with verse 4 of chapter one you read his first prayer but its verse 6 that I want you to pay attention to “….. I am praying to you now, day and night, on behalf of the Israelites, Your servants, confessing the sins that WE Israelites have committed against you, sins that I and my father’s house have committed.” Verse 7 starts off with the word WE, again confessing that they had not been faithful to G-D. He was so visibly upset and so full of grief that even the king noticed and asked him what was wrong, He told the king about the condition of Jerusalem, after saying a quick prayer to G-D, and in the end the king granted that he be able to go back to Jerusalem and rebuild the walls and the temple. There were those that tried to stop them and those that tried to intimidate and threaten them but through his persistence and much prayer he was able to complete the building in 52 days and even their enemies realized that G-D was with them.
In Chapter 9, after the people celebrated the feast of tabernacles, they came together again fasting and in sack cloth, with dirt upon them, and they confessed their sins and the sins of their fathers just as Nehemiah had. Verse 2: “Those of the stock of Israel separated themselves from all the foreigners, and stood and confessed their sins and the iniquities of their fathers.” Verse three says they did this for a quarter of the day! Can you imagine praying and confession on such a large scale for 6 hours?
The bottom line for them is that the city was rebuilt, as well as the walls and the temple, and all because one man prayed for forgiveness of not only his sins but the sins of his nation and his ancestors. G-D honored his prayer and later all of the people followed his example and did the same and they, once again, were blessed by G-D.
So what would happen if we did that here? What if all of us, who are followers of G-D, no matter the denomination or religion, took time every day to do the same as Nehemiah did? I am not talking about some halfhearted confession of our own sins or pointing out, what we believe to be, the sins of our brothers and sisters. No I am talking about true confession were we pour our hearts out to G-D for forgiveness of our sins and the sins of our ancestors and plead with G-D to bless this nation once again as He has done in the past. We, as a nation, have much to seek forgiveness for, but especially for ignoring and disregarding Him. What makes us think that we are any more special than Israel?  Israel is G-Ds chosen, make no mistake about that, but we are also G-Ds children so doesn’t it stand to reason that just as he punished Israel, that he would punish us as well, when our sins are just as bad?
Some of you will disagree with this, that’s OK, in my world you have that right, but I humbly submit to you that unless we confess our sins, and the sins of our ancestors, the same way that Nehemiah and the people of Israel did, we will never be blessed again. We might have some shining moments, but nothing like we could have with the blessings of G-D.