I love the book of Isaiah. It doesn't matter how many times I read it, I always come away with something new that I missed the last time through, or I discover things about G-D, such as the idea that He is way more complicated and human like then I had ever really considered.Now before you break out the stakes and fire consider this; if we are made in the image and likeness of G-D, as we were according to Genesis, then it stands to reason that many of our characteristics can be found originating with G-D.
Did you know that G-D can be a very angry G-D?
The flood came about because G-D was sorry that He had ever created man because of their continued and increasing wickedness. World wide destruction came as a result. In the time of Moses we have G-D bringing plague after plague onto the Egyptians and in the end He caused their first born to die. Time and time again the Israelite s angered G-D and He destroyed many of them, in the wilderness ,eventually killing all of those of that first generation,including Moses, before they ever reached the promised land.
After the children of Israel conquered the promised land, they were punished time and again for disobeying G-D and chasing after false gods and the heathen practices of their neighbors.
The writings of the prophets are filled with G-D's wrath, not only on the Jews, but on the entire world because of the way that the Jews are treated.
If this was all there was to G-D it would be very scary, but there is much more, and again it's very human like.
You see there is another part of this picture that we seem to forget. Like every human parent, G-D warned the people of what was to come if they didn't change their ways or come back to Him, and like every good human parent, when your child still continues to disobey, you mete out the appropriate and foretold punishment. Yes you give them a chance to change things, but eventually you have to follow up on your threats or you, as a parent, will have no credibility with your children. Why would they obey if there is no real threat of punishment?
My son learned obedience at an early age. When I told him not to do something and he did it anyways I punished him just as I said I would. This was a lesson he learned well and he tried to pass on to one of his friends. One day while my wife and I were watching some friends kids, I warned one of the boys that if he didn't behave there was going to be punishment coming, he continued what he was doing and tried to ignore me in the process. As you can guess I wound up punishing him just as a said I would but not before my son tried to warn him by saying "you'd better do what my daddy says because he will do it." If I, as a human father, will punish my kids when it is needed, and my children figured that out, why are we so surprised when G-D does the same, especially after He warned that He would?
Even though G-D is a G-D of justice ,and He will punish as needed and as foretold, He is also a G-D of compassion and forgiveness and peace. Go back and re read the stories. Yes He punished for a time, but then he had compassion. How many of you have ever stayed permanently angry with your children? Don't you come to that point of where you have forgiven? Does your love go away simply because you are punishing your child? I know that at least for me I don't stay angry with my children for very long and I never lose my love for them. This is called unconditional love and this is how G-D treats us as well. He punishes, He gets angry, but He also forgives and He heals. Look at Isa. 65:17-25.
“See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered,nor will they come to mind.But be glad and rejoice forever in what I will create,for I will create Jerusalem to be a delight and its people a joy. I will rejoice over Jerusalem and take delight in my people; the sound of weeping and of crying will be heard in it no more.“Never again will there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who does not live out his years; the one who dies at a hundred will be thought a mere child;the one who fails to reach a hundred will be considered accursed.They will build houses and dwell in them; they will plant vineyards and eat their fruit. No longer will they build houses and others live in them,or plant and others eat. For as the days of a tree, so will be the days of my people; my chosen ones will long enjoy the work of their hands. They will not labor in vain, nor will they bear children doomed to misfortune; for they will be a people blessed by the LORD, they and their descendants with them. Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear. The wolf and the lamb will feed together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox, and dust will be the serpent’s food. They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain,” says the LORD.
G-D ,through Isaiah, has told us that the day is coming when everything as we know it will be changed forever. What I have quoted here is but one of a multitude of texts telling of what some of the changes will be. Yes G-D gets angry,and Yes He punishes, but in the end He is compassionate and He will heal the world. Some of you may doubt that, but I would humbly submit to you that if the punishments that He warned about came to be,and they have, just ask the Jewish people, then you can also know that the healing and compassion will come as well.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
The Hope Of Passover and Easter
This morning, as my usual habits are, I made the mistake of spending some time looking at the news on line. I say mistake because after such a wonderful weekend I was shoved back into the very real and very ugly world of politics and the workings of evil people.
This past weekend saw my family and I having a full passover Seder at our house and then going to the Temple on Shabbat. I saw all the multitudes of posts of my Christian friends enjoying the wonders of Easter and I got up this morning thinking to myself that all is well in my world and the worlds of most of my friends. Then I looked at the news.
Corruption, war and hatred fill the pages. People rushing headlong into insanity and destruction, and wanting to take the world with them, is the norm now instead of the exception, and this is what I greeted the day with.
I don't suppose, realistically speaking, that it really changed anything about this weekend or the joy it brought to me and countless others, but I am always amazed at just how quickly all that can be forgotten in just a matter of minutes.
So why bother to celebrate these holy days if it doesn't change anything in this world? I think there are two reasons, one is because it brings us closer to G-D when we remember His deliverance, and really that's what both holidays are about, and because these holy days bring us hope.
Both holidays, remind us of divine deliverance from intense evil against all human odds. They remind us that even in the midst of things that we can't even begin comprehend, G-D is there. And it's a reminder to us that one individual can make a difference if they so choose.
Islam can't offer that. To them we are all infidels worthy of nothing but death if we don't convert to their oppressive form of religion. Atheism can't offer it because all they rely on is science and have no hope of anything after this life.
In our hurry to be PC and to appease those that hate us we have forgotten the very principals, the very hope, that we were originally founded on, principals that can be found in most of the worlds religions. Instead we have opted out for revisionists who try to tell us that the founders were not godly ,religious men, and that our Constitution was not founded on those basic moral principals. In it's own subtle way, trying to kill the hope of the future we once had. If we ignore G-D or pretend that he doesn't exist, then where does our hope come from? Where does the founding principals of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness come from?
The point is this, we need these holy days to remind us of the love and mercy of G-D. We need these holidays to remind us that our hope comes from him and not man and that in the midst of all the chaos, G-D is still there and He is still directing events in this world and that in the end His will, will prevail.
Monday, April 2, 2012
How would Jesus Vote?
So here is a question for you that may sound surprising coming from me; what would Jesus do? Better yet, how would Jesus vote? I ask this question in all sincerity to my Christian brothers and sisters out there who are not only religiously minded but have an ear towards politics.
I am also asking this question based on a trend that I have noticed from a lot of those leaders that belong to the Evangelical world from both sides of the aisle. This trend tending to be that because they are well known and popular amongst their congregations and audiences across the nation that this somehow allows for them to be the voice of G-D on many issues, including politics, and their belief that G-D seems to believe the same way that they do.
Before I go on, so there is no confusion, I don't believe that Jesus was a god of any kind , a rabbi certainly, but not G-D. But I present these questions and comments because many of you do and I respect your beliefs even when I disagree.
So would Jesus be a socialist or into social justice? Would he be a conservative wearing a suit and tie? What Issues would be important to him? Does anyone really know or does it really matter? I think it does matter, to a certain degree, because most of the time your opinions seems to be based on who you listen to.
If you follow those on the right, the reason that we are in such trouble in this country is due to everything from secularization to the ACLU and all points in between. Obama is the anti Christ, gays and lesbians are dangerous to families. Every form of evil comes from those who dare to disagree with the idea that everything in the bible is entirely accurate or you question their interpretation of the scripture.
If you follow those on the left, you are condemned for taking the bible literally, and the only way that you could possibly be following Jesus is if we have so called social justice and spread the wealth. The real evil is those who actually cling to their god, their guns and the bible. Oh yes , the GOP is the devil incarnate.
So we have some very differing, opposing views of G-D, wrapped in politics, and all believe that they are right.
So lets look at the subject at hand it could simplify this a whole lot. If Jesus was walking the earth today, what would his politics be? First we know that he was a casual dresser, didn't own any form of transportation and essentially had no place to live. He walked everywhere, hung out with those that were the dregs of society, made followers of fishermen and prostitutes. We have been told He healed many people, and he fed thousands with almost nothing and let us not forget the things that he preached as recorded by others years later. He never spoke of homosexuality, for or against, rather he told his followers to love G-D first and foremost and to love each other, that was what the kingdom was really all about. It almost sounds like he was a liberal democrat who was extremely into love of people and of G-D.
The problem with that though is that he never forced anyone to take his help, we hear many stories of those that were healed but I have to wonder how many more said no. How about the story of the rich young ruler? He only told the young man what he should do, not that he had to do it. He paid his taxes even while speaking against the Romans and he wasn't afraid to make his opinions heard when he went into the temple to overturn the money tables with a whip. He also said that he had come to bring a sword and not peace. He didn't spend his time condemning the average person, rather he would tell them to go and sin no more, at the same time getting on the leadership of his nation for their pompous arrogance. Sounds like a conservative to me.
So what does all this make him? A liberal? Conservative? A Democrat? A Republican? Who's opinion should you listen to and adhere to? I have an answer for you.
How about none of the above.
I am tired of people,especially religious leaders, assuming that some how they know what the mind and the will of G-D is when the Scriptures make it very clear that none of us can even begin to comprehend the mind of G-D. All your so called education is but a drop in the bucket of the things of G-D and to assume that you know better then the rest of us is nothing more then arrogance on your part.
If you have an opinion, fine. It's your opinion and you are allowed, but don't claim to speak for G-d in the course of making that opinion public. Some of the most hateful and dangerous speeches and proclamations ever made throughout history have all come boxed up in the name of G-D, and millions have died as a result.
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