Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Dream of Scorpions

A Dream of Scorpions

Last night I had a dream and the dream was very disturbing to me, because G-D gave me the understanding of this dream and I understood that this dream was the culmination of several dreams that I have had and it concerns all of us today.
Some of you may not believe that dreams mean anything, perhaps you will write it off to bad food or drink as Scrooge did when Marley came to see him, but I assure you that just as Scrooge had to see the meaning behind the dreams so you too need to understand what is behind this dream.
Let me say that this is not directed at any one group of people. This is for all. I don’t care if you are Christian or Jew, SDA or Baptist, gay or straight or Wiccan, this is a message to all people and only you can decide if it’s worth anything to you or not.

In this dream I am in a city, I don’t know which one, but I think it was meant to represent people. I had been doing surveys with people trying to find out what it was that they believed or what choices that they would make in various situations and I was busy trying to represent G-D at the same time. As long as everything was OK people were happy with G-D and the things of G-D, but as soon as it started to become hard or politically incorrect or even just unpopular, the people in the dream started moving away from G-D and complaining about Him and started worshipping Scorpions. It wasn’t just the worship of the Scorpions that was disturbing; it was the total consumption of the Scorpions that disturbed me. I watched as a man swallowed a small one whole and he was worshipping it and singing its praises even as it was going down his throat, stinging him and killing him. He was dead before it got to his stomach.  I watched as others held bigger ones in their hands and again sung their praises even as the scorpion was treating them with disdain and stinging them and still yet others who worshipped much larger ones that wandered around in the streets and stung people even those that were on their knees to them.

The meaning behind it is twofold. One is the simple fact that we have sent G-D away. Instead of embracing Him and His ways especially in these very troubling times, we have instead embraced things that are of no worth and will eventually kill us. We worship at the altars and the gods of entertainment and avarice. We would rather be mind numbingly entertained then spend our time finding out the things of G-D. We rejoice at all that is evil and destructive to our moral sensibilities and encourage others to do the same and take lightly the things of G-D. We swallow what we are told to be true even as it’s killing us and we ignore the disdain and the threat to us both physically and spiritually. Simply put we are being destroyed by the very things that we focus on and that which entertains us.

The second part of this is very simple. While we are being entertained something evil is coming to take the place of the true worship of G-D. Islam is coming to punish us. You may deny it if you wish. You may choose to look the other way. You may feel free to call me Islam phobic I don’t really care. This is not a religion of peace but a religion of oppression and hate for anyone who is not Islamic, these are the facts, but it’s going to become our “religion” because we refuse to follow the laws of G-D and so those that are evil are going to use our supposed freedoms to gain control and they will force it on this nation. Just as G-D has used nations in the past to punish His people, so He will do to us. While we turn a blind eye to Islam and Sharia law, and abandon Israel, it is slowly taking hold. Already ,even as we worship our G-D’s of entertainment that are nothing more then scorpions, Sharia is gaining support and control here and the very people who tell us that we must be tolerant of them, are going to be amongst the first killed and beheaded because they would prefer the scorpions of lies and entertainment then the truth.

We are blind to the evil and we have come to embrace it and just like the Scorpions in my dream they are going to kill us.

This is going to be very hard on those who choose to follow G-D and His ways and laws both the prophets in the OT and John in Revelation tells of this time when evil will be permitted to “wage war” against His people and overcome them for a time. This madness will end as well but before we get to that we will have to go through much. It didn’t have to be this way but by our choices we have allowed it to come to this. Will it happen today? Not likely, but that day will come and it will be sooner then we can imagine. Pray that it is short or better yet pray that we will return to G-D before this can take place.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

When G-D Spoke....

In my last blog I asked you a question; do you think that all that is happening is a coincidence? I also hoped that I left you with the idea that G-D is trying to get our attention by whatever means is necessary. What I didn’t know at the time was that Egypt, Tunisia and other nations in the Middle East were going to explode in the way that they have. I didn’t know that there was going to be another massive snow storm here in the United States nor did I know that Australia was going to get pounded on with a category 5 cyclone dumping as much as 3 feet of water into areas that are already flooded.. I am not one who makes it a habit of preaching doom and gloom to people, but I will write about the things that I believe that G-D is impressing on my heart, even if that means that none of you ever read it or even listen to me. I read Isaiah chapter 6 and Isaiah asks G-D how long he should prophecy and G-D told him that he should continue to do so until there is no one but a remnant of people left in the land. I do not consider myself to be like Isaiah, though I too am a man with an unclean heart and lips, but I will continue to write as long as I am allowed and G-D impresses upon me what needs to be said.

The thought did occur to me though that there are some of you who may be thinking that all G-D needs to do is to speak to us and we will listen. I grew up with people that believed that when the end was near we would all see the signs of the end and return to worshipping G-D, we would go from our worldly sinful ways back to the worship of G-D in time to be saved. For those of you who have thought that way; its time!

When G-D spoke.

If you go to the beginning of Exodus 19 it says “In the third month after the children of Israel had gone out of the land of Egypt, on the same day, they came to the Wilderness of Sinai.  It was now just three months since they had left Egypt and they were at the foot of the mountain of G-D. What you need to keep in mind is that the children of Israel had just experienced miracle after miracle straight from the hand of G-D. They had heard as Moses warned Pharaoh what was to come if he didn’t let the children go. They witnessed the destruction of the land and experienced the awe, and, I am sure, fear that came from that first Passover. They witnessed His presence in the cloud by day and the fiery pillar by night. They saw the water part before them and they witnessed the destruction of  their enemies at the hand of G-D, but now G-D was about to do something very different for them, not only were they going to “see” His presence on the mountain but they would hear His voice. There was going to be no doubt in their minds whatsoever that He was there with them and He was on the mountain. Go to verse 10.

10 Then the LORD said to Moses, “Go to the people and consecrate them today and tomorrow, and let them wash their clothes. 11 And let them be ready for the third day. For on the third day the LORD will come down upon Mount Sinai in the sight of all the people. 12 You shall set bounds for the people all around, saying, ‘Take heed to yourselves that you do not go up to the mountain or touch its base. Whoever touches the mountain shall surely be put to death. 13 Not a hand shall touch him, but he shall surely be stoned or shot with an arrow; whether man or beast, he shall not live.’ When the trumpet sounds long, they shall come near the mountain.”
14 So Moses went down from the mountain to the people and sanctified the people, and they washed their clothes. 15 And he said to the people, “Be ready for the third day; do not come near your wives.”
16 Then it came to pass on the third day, in the morning, that there were thunderings and lightnings, and a thick cloud on the mountain; and the sound of the trumpet was very loud, so that all the people who were in the camp trembled. 17 And Moses brought the people out of the camp to meet with God, and they stood at the foot of the mountain. 18 Now Mount Sinai was completely in smoke, because the LORD descended upon it in fire. Its smoke ascended like the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mountain (some translations say that it was the people who quaked) quaked greatly. 19 And when the blast of the trumpet sounded long and became louder and louder, Moses spoke, and God answered him by voice. 20 Then the LORD came down upon Mount Sinai, on the top of the mountain. And the LORD called Moses to the top of the mountain, and Moses went up. 

There was absolutely no doubt about G-Ds presence and the people were afraid. Perhaps one of the reasons that G-D does not speak to us anymore, like that, is because we don’t have a proper fear of G-D. We make fun of G-D; we disregard His presence and all of His creation we write off as evolution or myth. Why should He speak to us, as a whole, when we don’t really believe that He is real?

Egypt didn’t believe in the G-D of Israel either, yet they found out just how real He was through, what some might call, natural disasters, and those so called “natural disasters” were also an attack on the “gods” of Egypt. Are we any different then them? We don’t fear G-D, we have no respect for His power or His commandments and we make fun of those who do. We write off His creation as being nothing more then evolution and we hold fast to the gods of science and so called reason. In case you hadn’t noticed those gods of ours are under serious attack. Science can’t explain why all these massive storms are occurring, one group will say its global warming, another will say its cooling, and yet another just covers all their bases by calling it climate change. The bottom line is that they are clueless. Every day these so called greats of science have to come up with new theories of evolution as they discover new things that they can’t make fit into their mold.
The gods of reason can’t begin to explain all the chaos in the world. We blame parties and systems. We point fingers at various groups and nations that we disagree with and say that they are the cause. We blame the schools, the churches and synagogues everyone and anyone who even thinks a little differently then we do. They are the cause of all the problems and if we would just worship at the altar of reason we can work all our problems out. What do you base the conversation on? If we are but mere accidents of the universe and there really isn’t any right from wrong or moral absolutes how can we make any kind of rational, reasoned out decisions that might help solve the chaos? When you throw out G-D and His laws chaos takes over.

So what do you think would happen if G-D was to roll back the sky and write His message to the world? Most people would look at that and think it was good CGI or it was some sort of hoax and ignore it. If we already have His written word with the law and the prophets and we ignore it, what good would a massive display in the heavens do?

The children of Israel experienced G-Ds presence in a way that has not happened since and yet they forgot as well. When they finally get to the Promised Land, they refused to go across the Jordan because they were afraid of the people there. They were giants and they were afraid. They collectively forgot that G-D had delivered them from much worse and He had promised them that He would deliver this land to them. As a result that entire generation died off over a time span of 40 years as they wandered in the desert.

Is this going to have to happen to us before we again become a people of the book and true followers of G-D? Is this entire generation of people going to have to be killed off while our children wander in the desert, before we once again embrace the things of G-D, His law and the prophets? The prophets make it clear that there is a massive amount of destruction coming before His kingdom is established, and it speaks of those that survive in the nations finally coming to Him in Israel, to the Mountain of G-D.
Do we really need to go the route of Egypt or can we learn from Mt. Sinai? Shouldn’t we take a serious look at what’s going on in the entire world and ask that simple question; is G-D telling us something?
The children of Israel failed to go across to the Promised Land because they chose not to listen to G-D. They had the signs and wonders, they had the voice of G-D speaking to them in the wilderness yet in they refused to go and it cost that generation everything. Are we going to do the same? It’s really no question that He is speaking to us it’s that we are refusing to hear.
Pray for the nations.